Recent studies show that most people are happy with their improvement after a cosmetic surgery. However, certain groups of people are less likely to be satisfied with cosmetic plastic surgery. These include:
- younger patients.
- patients with unrealistic expectations.
- patients with a previous poor result with cosmetic surgery.
- patients with a minimal deformity seeking cosmetic surgery.
- patients motivated to seek cosmetic surgery based a relationship issue.
- people with a history of depression, anxiety, body dysmorphic disorders, or personality disorders.
Every patient is different, both physically and mentally. For example, I have treated many younger patients who have been pleased with the results of their cosmetic surgery. If you have special concerns that you may not adjust well to your procedure, it is important to talk those matter over with your surgeon before your operation.
Kole Plastic Surgery welcomes the thoughtful inquiries he has received from patients. As a skilled Pennsylvania plastic surgeon, he knows that clients considering aesthetic or reconstructive surgery need information and reassurance before they can make an informed, realistic choice about undergoing a medical procedure. Please call 215-315-7655 to get more advice or to obtain a free copy of Dr. Kole’s book, Cosmetic Surgery: The Risks and Rewards.