During the PicoSure® laser tattoo treatment the skin frosts with a slight whitish haze as the beam of light interacts with the skin and tattoo pigment. The treated area may become slightly swollen and red, but this usually lasts only a few hours. This feels like a slight sunburn. Over the next few days, you will need to keep the site moist with a topical antibiotic ointment like Neosporin or Aquafor, and minimize sun exposure to the recently treated skin for a few weeks. Avoid picking, trauma or irritating the treated skin area after treatment. Sometimes a scab the same color as the tattoo peels off after 5-7 days. This is a normal process as the body’s immune system works to eliminate the tattoo dyes. The area may remain slightly reddened for up to four weeks, and there may be some flaking or peeling of the skin during this time. Additional post laser treatment care instructions will be given to you at the time of your initial consultation. Your tattoo will usually fade over 4-6 weeks. The degree of fading will be clear when you compare your tattoo with your pre-treatment photographs.