Plastic surgery in Huntingdon Valley PA isn’t something you just want to schedule at the first place you find. Since your plastic surgeon in Huntingdon Valley, PA will be working on your body, you want someone you trust to do the job right.
At The Kole Plastic Surgery Center, Dr. Kole is a well-respected plastic surgeon that has been operating out of his own private plastic surgery practice since 1998. He has the experience and personal touch to ensure that your surgical procedure goes correctly and that you’re happy with the results you receive.
What Cosmetic Surgical Procedures Are Available?
If you’re considering plastic surgery in the Huntingdon Valley area, then it’s likely you have a specific type of surgery in mind. For some it may be a breast augmentation while others may desire a rhinoplasty. Dr. Kole performs a number of different cosmetic surgery procedures for his patients. The most popular are the following:
- Breast Augementation
- Facelift
- Eyelid Surgery
- Lip Fillers
- Neck Lift
- Tummy Tuck
- Mommy Makeover
- Ear Surgery
- Rhinoplasty

Do I Have To Go To The Hospital For Plastic Surgery?
The quick answer to this question is no you do not. All cosmetic surgery in Huntingdon Valley, PA is performed at the Kole Plastic Surgery Center. Most of the procedures can be done on an outpatient basis. By speaking with Dr. Kole, you can determine whether or not you’ll be going home directly after the surgical procedure is performed. In some instances, you may be required to stay a set amount of time in our recovery center to ensure optimal results.
Will My Insurance Cover My Surgical Procedure?
When it comes to plastic surgery, insurance companies break down specific procedures into two different categories. These are cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Most insurance providers will cover reconstructive surgery as it’s deemed medically necessary. When it comes to cosmetic surgery, most insurance providers will not cover the procedure because it’s deemed elective.
Reconstructive plastic surgery is typically performed to fix abnormalities and functional problems of the human anatomy. An example of this would be a rhinoplasty to repair a deviated septum. Cosmetic surgery is done with the idea of making normal anatomy more aesthetically pleasing. This is not considered a medically necessary type of surgery to have performed.
Will I Need To Take Time Off Of Work For My Recovery?
The short answer is yes, you’ll need to schedule some recovery time off of work. In most cases, you can return to work within 3 to 10 days. The quickness of your recovery from your cosmetic operation in Huntingdon is going to highly depend on the surgical procedure you have performed. For example, a tummy tuck requires about 10 days to heal. On the other hand, a rhinoplasty takes about three days. You can get a better idea of how many days you’ll need to schedule off by talking with Dr. Kole at your initial consultation.