With saline implants, a ruptured breast implant will result in deflation of the implant, absorption of the sterile saline by your body and an obvious volume change in your breast size. The silicone outer shell that held the saline will remain and have to be removed and replaced with a new implant. There is no repair or “patch” kit for breast implants.
Silicone breast implant rupture of the older style will result in a subtle or obvious change in shape and feel of the implant and the breast. These implants when ruptured can be diagnosed by mammogram, where a “linguini sign” of the crumbled shell can be seen on X-Ray. The newer cohesive implants or the newsest highly cohesive “gummy bear” style 410 implants when ruptured will not have any discernable difference in breast size or shape. These new implants rupture can not be determined by x-ray or mammogram but must be diagnosed by MRI only.