As we age, the muscles in the face can droop in the eyebrow area. Unhappy with your appearance? It may be time for you to get a brow lift done. Whether you opt for a surgical procedure or a non-surgical one, the results you get will allow you to say good bye to your wrinkles. Moreover, the best part about this is the fact that a brow lift can be the perfect way for you to experience the magic of cosmetic plastic surgery. If you’re considering getting one, here are a few reasons how a brow lift gives you a whole new you.
Mini Face Lift
A brow lift is really a mini facelift, except it focuses on your brow and upper eye area. The skin is literally lifted and pulled back, allowing for a younger and youthful appearance. If you’ve always wondered what a face lift looks like but you’re not committed to getting it, a brow lift might be the best way for you to experience what a face lift could possibly look like. Once the swelling and stitches are gone, you’re going to fall in love with your new, younger looking face.
Addresses More than One Problem Area
With a brow lift, you get to address more than one problem area on your brow area. It could be for the muscles in your eyebrows such as the brow area. Lines that appear here are known as brow lines and worry lines that are responsible for the worried expression on your face.
Moreover, you might also be facing some problems such as loose or droopy skin in the upper lids. A brow lift can help address all those problem areas in one go. Instead of getting various different treatments, all you need is one.
Long Term Solution for Wrinkles and Weak Muscles
A brow lift provides results that last for years. In comparison with non-invasive procedures, this is one of the best options since you don’t have to worry about getting touch-ups after every 4 to 6 months. With a brow lift, you can say good bye to your wrinkles and weak facial muscles for a 10-12 years or more.
If you’re thinking of getting a brow lift, call to schedule a complimentary consultation with Kole Plastic Surgery by giving us a call or fill out our form online and we’ll get in touch with you soon.