Chin Implants

The Kole Plastic Surgery Center

Bucks County Chin Implants Specialist

Centrally located in Southampton, PA and serving Philadelphia, Bucks, and Montgomery Counties, The Kole Plastic Surgery Center performs chin implants for patients desiring plastic surgery.

Cosmetic Surgical Center Guide to Chin Implants

Surgical implants for the chin can modify the structure of the face to present a more pleasing balance to your features. These implants are often inserted at the time of another cosmetic procedure, such as a rhinoplasty. In recent years, the fastest-growing area of facial cosmetic surgery has been the choice to have chin implants.

Chin implants are custom implants used for a variety of aesthetic reasons. In younger patients, implants are used to bring certain features into cosmetic balance with of the rest of your face. In older patients, they are utilized to restore a more youthful contour to the face, especially in conjunction with facelift surgery. Dr. Kole can use chin implants to improve balance and enhance your facial features resulting in better symmetry, balance, and feelings about your appearance.

Chin Implants FAQs

Contact Us Today for a Consultation

Do you have an underdefined chin? Does it look as if something is missing when you look at your profile? You may be a good candidate for chin implants by board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Kole. He works with men and women in Southampton, PA, Philadelphia County, Bucks County, Montgomery County and surrounding areas of Bucks County, PA, who are like you and want to improve their facial balance. To learn more about chin implants, contact us to schedule a personal consultation.

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Our Offices & Surgical Center

1122 Street Rd STE 100
Southampton, PA 18966

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