4 Important things to know before getting a Breast Augmentation Procedure

4 Important things to know before getting a Breast Augmentation Procedure

Plastic surgeons have been performing breast implant surgery for over 60 years now. Breast augmentation stands today as the most popular type of cosmetic surgery in the United States, and in the world. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reported that in the United States, 287,085 breast augmentation procedures were performed in 2019 alone.

Every year the amount of breast enlargement surgeries performed continues to grow over previous years, and in turn surgical techniques and improvements in breast implant technology have advanced. This has made the procedures much more accessible, more affordable and complications associated with the procedures have been reduced.

With all the statistics and information, it can be tough to know what you should be aware of before getting started scheduling your breast augmentation procedure. Luckily we here at The Kole Plastic Surgery Center have put together 4 Important Things you should know before getting a breast augmentation right from Dr. Edward Kole, board certified plastic surgeon who has done thousands of successful surgeries on satisfied patients.

1. Saline vs Silicone Implants – which is better and what is the difference?

Breast implants have seen many advancements that have resulted in better outcomes for patients concerning the profile, size, and structure of the implants.

Some patients may recall the headlines regarding the old-style silicone implants used decades ago. Today’s breast augmentation patients have plenty of safe and effective implant options to choose from.

Nationally in 2018, over 90 percent of women getting breast augmentation chose silicone over saline implants. Silicone implants include the latest cohesive gel – also referred to as the “gummy bear” type of implant – which provides a lighter and more natural result. Deflation rates tend to be lower, and patients experience less rippling which is common with saline implants.

Silicone breast augmentation does cost on average about $700 more when compared to procedures employing regular saline implants.

If you are looking for a less expensive option for breast implants, saline implants are a suitable choice, along with offering a smaller surgical incision.

It’s up to the patient to decide which option is best for her, and she must be comfortable with the implants she chooses.

2. Surgical Incision – where is it, how big with it be?

Society is far more accepting of breast enlargement procedures and cosmetic surgery these days now more than ever. Many women have no problem flaunting their new looks on Instagram or Tik-Tok, though there are still some patients who wish to keep their surgery private. Due to the desire for privacy, most women are worried about the size of the surgical incisions and where they will be located on or around their breasts.

Thanks to advancements in surgical techniques, as well as products including the Keller Funnel, the appearance of breast enlargement scars is significantly less than what may have been the case years ago. Most surgeons make incisions either beneath the breast fold (known as an “inframammary incision), on the outer edge of the areola (peri-areolar) or in the underarm area (transaxillary).

Patients should talk with their surgeon about which kind of incision will be the best fit for their body, lifestyle and the kind of implants they choose.

3. Implant Size – what’s too big, too small or the right size for me?

Anxiety can proceed any surgical procedure, even breast augmentation. The biggest source of anxiety for women deciding on breast enhancement surgery is how to choose their size.

In reality, most women don’t want their new breasts to look too large, but they do want others to notice a change in their appearance. Other patients express a desire to replicate the results a friend or relative achieved after getting a particular size of the implant, but patients must understand an individual’s anatomy plays an important role in determining breast implant size. The final size will include the breasts you started with, in addition to the size of the new implants.

To determine the size that will best suit the patient’s body type, the surgeon should take measurements following the initial consultation. Imaging technology makes it possible for patients to try on various implants, which allows the patient to be actively involved in selecting implant size. Using the Crisalix 3D scanner, you can actually see what several different size breast implants would look like on your body in real-time.

4. Selecting the Right Plastic Surgeon for Your Breast Augmentation

This point is probably the most important point to have clear when contemplating breast augmentation: Choosing the right plastic surgeon for your breast enlargement.

First off, your surgeon should be Board Certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, such as Dr. Edward S. Kole.

Also, just as Dr. Kole does, the surgeons should also provide patients with access to before and after photographs that depict the outcomes of breast augmentation surgeries he or she has performed in the past, either on the practice website or at the surgeon’s office.

Online reviews can be useful to some patients, but most place more value on feedback they hear from friends and relatives who have had a cosmetic procedure done in the past. A good example of this would be to view their Google My Business page. Here is an example of Dr. Kole’s and Kole Plastic Surgery Center’s 200+ 5-star reviews.

Ultimately, you should feel comfortable with the surgeon you choose, as well as the staff that is at the practice. They should also feel confident that their surgeon is capable of delivering the outcome they desire.

We hope these tips help aid you in making the right choice for your breast augmentation procedure. If you still have questions or concerns, you can schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Kole at his office at 215-315-7655. We also offer the latest in pre-visualization technology with Crisalix 3D where you can see your new look before ever going under the knife.

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